Monday, June 16, 2008

Artist design, Nano's transform a Super fish !.

Our designer Nano is doing some really cool art works.
His job is beautiful and will transform your kazuma board into a piece of heart !.
you can order design from the order form for any board selected on our website.
Below a superfish getting customized !.

By the way, this is our Batman design.


  1. felicitaciones bro !! muy buen trabajo !! saludos desde mar del plata ,argentina .FRANCISCO MIGNINI.

  2. Muy bueno NANO tu laburo con el aerografo... desde el San Jose un saludo de Seba KNO... en unos dias te envio el link a mis pinturas... solo para que me tires un par de consejitos... gracias MONO.SEBA KNO
