Sunday, December 20, 2009

Philip Raya testing the Piglet at El Porto in Manhattan Beach.

This is LA county ripper Philip Raya with his new 5'10" x 19.5" x 2.3" Piglet model. Philip has been doing some cold water"Cali" testing and has been killing good Topanga point and El Porto. We did the Tri fin with Quad option to make the board super versatile and so far the Tri fin setup with the gmb fins have been working well. The quad setup is a copy of the Shibi model and will really make the board fly when the waves get weak and small. One board does it all? so far so good.

Thanks Philip for your great feedback.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see such an amazing ripper as phil... one time he was a super dolphin of the ocean..
    i would love to see more of this amazing person growing inthe surf business....
    i wish him an awsome 2010... great job phill... go for.. u look great in your picture..
