Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Coaching 101

It is time to start up a new coaching blog.

My daily coaching routine is very successful but am only able to work one on one with a handful of surfers at a time. This new section of the blog will give everyone a little insight to what we are doing on a daily basis. Keep in mind that even the most basic techniques need to be practiced by everyone, including my professional riders.

To be a great surfer, you need to master the basics. It doesn't matter if you are a professional or beginner, it is still the core to a good day of surfing. Never overlook the basic stuff because that is what allows you to do the advanced moves.

Tip #1

The source to 90% of all surfing problems is "trying too hard" It doesn't matter on your skill level and it happens to us all, we try too hard and our surfing falls apart. YOU CAN ONLY DO WHAT THE WAVES LET YOU. Don't ever forget this. Before you even paddle out, look at the waves and get an idea of the quality and power of the surf. If it is a small weak and mushy wave, (which it usually is) don't even expect to throw down huge moves, expect to do soft bottom turn/cutback combinations. Wherever you surf, there is a limit to what you can do and once you start trying too hard your performance will go down. Push too hard in your turns and you will start digging rail which will slow you down which will limit what you can do. Most surfers get frustrated and push harder when this happens which compounds the problem. Do what the wave lets you do, push softer in the turns and your board will respond and speed up which will let you turn harder. Sounds simple but it is natural to go big all the time. Slow it down and you will speed it up. Think about this today, I do every single day.


Now that you understand that "you can only do what the waves let you", lets continue along with that train of thought. The quality of the wave has a huge impact on your surfing potential and a better wave will let you do bigger and better quality maneuvers. On any given day, the best waves are usually found at the peak. You can increase the potential of a wave by simply taking off from the right spot on the wave, did you ever notice that the best surfers in the lineup always catch it from the peak? Getting an early takeoff from the very peak can increase your performance by 30 percent because an early takeoff from the peak allows you to start your bottom turn early which gives you more speed through your top turn which will flow you into your 2nd turn with speed. Everything seems to fall into place and your turns just link together effortlessly. Combine this with tip#1 above and you will really step up your surfing performance.


Great surfing revolves around a good bottom turn.  Plain and simple, if you have a solid bottom turn surfing becomes easy.  A good bottom turn will take you from the bottom of the wave to the top in one continuous arc and when done correctly, you will accelerate from start to finish of the turn. This acceleration creates explosive surfing and will allow you to link together all your moves with speed and flow.  Haven't you ever wondered how these 100 lb groms can be so explosive and powerful? They all most certainly have a good bottom turn. 

Key points: 1) start your bottom turn early, don't go too far down into the flat of the wave.  Going down into the flat will take you out of the curve of the wave  and you won't be able to make it all the way back to the lip in one continuous arc.  2) Your weight has to be balanced between your feet, if anything a Little front foot weighted. 3) bend your knees and get LOW while putting weight on your toes.  This will get your board on it's rail which will give you that nice long arc. 4) Don't rush, a good bottom turn takes time.  Let it flow and you will accelerate through the turn.  5) Don't push too hard.  If you are slowing down, you are probably pushing too hard.  Soften up and you will gain speed and power.  Dumbbell squats are the best exercise to get your bottom turn stance dialed in.  This is the correct position to be in during your bottom turn.  I do these every other day to make that psoition feel natural and it helps keep me properly weighted and balanced over my board. 

Go out and try this and remember, don't rush the bottom turn.

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much! online coaching is a great idea, we will use all the tips you can give us.
