Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Go pro video

Hi guys,

Francky here... Still in bed after 2 weeks of back injury.... It starts to be hard to stay in bed when i see my friends having fun surfing... Anyway, i just got the new wide angle Gopro camera. The goal is to make footage with the SUP of course. I just went at Mamas for a quick swim to see how it works...
Pretty easy to use and good quality image i think ?.
It will be at the shop in stock, with fcs support to fix on the board...

first time with the gopro camera from franck berthuot on Vimeo.


  1. Franck, can't believe you are in bed with a back injury, sorry to hear it. Haven't seen you on the water in a while. Hope you are feeling better. --Doug

  2. Hi Doug,

    Bummer yes... Still bad, but i can work and walk now, at least !!!
    Hope to see you soon.
