ChazKinoshita on a huge one on a 5'2" Ian Walsh Jaws modelChazKinoshita pulling in deep JoaoMarcoMaffini on his 5'5" Eraldo Gueiros model JoaoMarcoMaffinihighline from deep JoaoMarco made this backdoor barrel. SICK!!!! ChazKinoshita 13 yrs old is always the youngest rider out at Jaws. JoaoMarcoMaffini 14 yrs old, is becoming the tube master and has more barrels at Jaws in January and February than anyone. The kids were absolutely amazing out there, they look so comfortable and their training pays off when it gets heavy, they just don't make mistakes. (lucky for me) Tuesday was just the most amazing day ever, we are lucky to live on Maui.
This morning we hit Jaws at 6:15 am, launching in the dark. Of course we were the 1st ones out and scored perfect 20' Jaws for a while by our selves. Chaz and Joaomarco towed for 5 1/2 hours straight and didn't make a single mistake. This was one of the biggest swells of the year and both Chaz and JoaoMarco caught the biggest waves of their lives, we felt like we were in tune. We came in for lunch, re-fueled our skis and went back out for an evening session only to surf it with Alfredo Villas and Kaleo Amedeo catching perfect bombs. As it got dark and everyone was packing up, a huge formed on the horizon and I told Chaz it was time to tow daddy into one. Long story short, I fell in the barrel and ate crap taking 4 waves on the head then making the trip into the rocks in near darkness. I have to admit I was a bit worried but it is nothing new but kids were in shock to see me get so pounded. Luckily Alfredo stuck around in the dark to come rescue me off the rocks, thanks Alfredo for risking your ski to get me. We all returned to the ramp in pitch dark and celebrated a safe surf session.
This is unbelievable and I have never seen this before, a tow board totally destroyed by a single wave. Yesterday I towed Chaz Kinoshita into a smaller 20' wave at Jaws and Chaz pulled into a nice barrel. Because it was a smaller wave, it pinched at the end and Chaz got closed out on. Notice the front inserts, they were snapped and pulled out with his foot still in the strap and the tail was broken in 2 places. This tow board was glassed with 5 layers of 6 oz glass and was as strong as a board could be, I picked Chaz up after this wipeout and his board was in pieces next to him so we are sure it was blown up on that single wave. Jaws is no joke and this proves the power of the spot.
The Kazuma Kids have been having some amazing sessions at Jaws, Maui. Chaz, Joao Marco, Tyler and Imai caught some of the best waves yesterday. In February alone, we have put on 63 hours on our Jaws ski's so the Kids have been getting tons of rides. What impresses me is the fact that the kids can ride for 4 hours straight before wanting to rest. Chaz and I have been towing till dark every day and have had some of the best sessions ever. I have been Training the kids the same way that I Trained Ian Walsh so I am sure that they will be the future jaws standouts.
Joao Marco on a huge bomb set Chaz backside on his last wave
What a day, superb contest with barrels on every single wave. All the Kazuma kids were killing their normal divisions and finishing the day with Kazuma anchorman Mike Crowe and shaper Matt Kinoshita putting on a exhibition show in the Legend's division.
Tyler Larronde Dominated the prestigious junior Men's division on his brand new 5'5" Kazuma. Tyler is the latest addition to the Kazuma surf team. Joao Marco Maffini finished 3rd Open men.
Joao Marco, deep inside Honolua
Shaun Walsh full speed and nice barrel
Chaz, inside. The cliff view is like an helicopter view, splendid !
Shaun Ferking had one of the best barrels of the contest
Chaz again
Tyler Larronde
Imai and Joao Marco
And the powerful Mike Crowe showing the groms how it's done
For over 20 years, Kazuma Surfboards has been manufacturing custom surfboards for the best surfers in the world. Our 10 expert craftsmen have over 125 years of combined board building experience and are the best in the business. In the last 20 years we have manufactured over 27,000 surfboards so we know how to do things right.
What would you do with a Magic board?